Keel believes in the limitless ripple of a leaders impact.

Coaching and consulting that takes the guesswork out of leadership development for high performing individuals, teams and organizations.


Lots of leaders say their growth is a priority, most never do what it takes. Every organization says their people are their greatest asset, few actually invest.  We’re calling bs. Welcome to Keel. In partnership with our clients, we build courageous leaders and catalytic cultures to propel success and grow impact.

 Our Clients Buck The Status Quo

“Bo always starts with the ‘why.’ He pursues a thorough sense of your business objectives along with the nuanced challenges and complex set of considerations you're facing as a leader. He's rigorous, thoughtful, and is truly custom in his approach with a meaningful point of view on the immense scope of your impact in a position of influence. It's clear when partnering with Bo that he's deeply invested in your growth and your outcomes.”

Stephanie Denevan
VP of Sales Development Operation

3 Reasons Not To Work With Us


You like to take the easy road most traveled.


You see people on your team as a means to an end.


You prefer to skip the deep work that produces real change.